Thursday, April 16, 2009

Permanent teeth replacement for a 14 yr old?

i really need help. i was diagnosed with dentinogenesis imperfecta and i have acid reflux which really sucks. i need to know what your thought and experinces are with teeth replacement (all of %26#039;em)...

Permanent teeth replacement for a 14 yr old?
i hav 13 cavities
Reply:Man, that is a tough one! First thing I should say is that the type of treatment that is decided on should be a very informed one between you, your parents and your dentist and a MD because of the gastric reflux.

I am not sure of the success rate with replacing all of your teeth at this age, (like with implants) because you are probably still growing. Crowning all of the teeth is a possibility. Fillings are generally not a good choice and certainly not a permanent fix.

Dentinogenesis imperfecta is usually an inherited problem.

I wish I could give you an easy answer, but there are a lot of factors to look at and none make for a simple answer. Hopefully it will help to know that when your doctor says that there are a lot of extenuating circumstances, you will know they are not BS%26#039;ing you.Good luck to you!


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